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Writing Your First Blog

Here's a bit about how to write your first blog on Nomadic Influence! If you want to learn more about how to become a guest writer or why you'd want to blog with us, go here!

Let's write your first blog!

  • Come up with an idea - Find something you're passionate about and something you can hopefully link back to other works you have done--like videos or even affiliate links! Write an outline and go from there!

write a blog

  • Open the editor - step 1, find where to write it! Go to your Creator Portal and find 'Creator Profile' under 'Blogging'. Scroll down to the bottom of your page and start your blog! Click 'Create a Post' or 'Write your first post'

add a title
  • Title - Come up with a catchy title. Make sure it encompasses what you're going to cover. This is the hook to get people to click the link to open!

  • Introduction - the next line is a good place to introduce what exactly you're going to write about. Keep them hooked. Make them go on to the next part!

editing text

  • Subheadings - Hit enter to make a new line, then write what you want as your heading. Highlight that and a text editor will pop up. Use Heading 2 or 3 and make sure your keyword appears at some point in one of these headings! (For this post, it's 'blog'.)

  • Linking - highlight your text in the same way and link what you want to link! You're welcome to use affiliate links! Get your readers to your page! Please! I want you to profit from this as much as you can!

editing photos
  • Adding photos - Use the toolbar at the bottom to add photos or (my favorite) just ctrl+v it in! Adjust your photo by using the toolbar at the top. You always want to go into your photos and click the settings and add 'alt text'. This helps google know what the photo is of!

  • Call to action - Finish your blog with a call to action. Link to other blogs or your social media accounts for them to follow!

Before you post!

There are a few more steps before you're ready to post! We want to make sure everything is in order before it goes live.

editing setting
  • Post Settings - in the top right, there's a place to edit your settings!

  • Writer - Make sure this says your name!

  • Excerpt - This shows when you share your blog. If you leave it blank, the first few sentences will populate. If you did that first introduction part well, you shouldn't have to worry about it! That's what will show up!

  • Cover Image - Create a cover image for your blog. I use Canva, which has a really simple 'Blog Banner' option, but if you're using another program, a good size is 2240px x 1260px.

  • Save - Make sure you save!

  • Categories - The next tab is categories! If you find one that fits, great! If you need to create one, you're welcome to!

  • SEO.- This isn't as scary as it seems. Just click it! It should autopopulate everything from your post. Just double check to make sure it's all right!

  • Approval - We will look through your post, check your links, and approve your post! Give us a heads up if it's been sitting for more than 24 hours, but we should have it done fairly quickly for you to share!


I hope not, but if you are, reach out at and we can help!

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