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Nomadic Influence: Navigating our NEW Map!

Updated: Jun 12

We are thrilled to unveil our new map, designed to streamline communication between nomadic content creators and the businesses they collaborate with.

About the Map

nomadic influence map

Our map's goal is to simplify the process for content creators and businesses to connect. Instead of navigating between mapping services, websites, and writing emails, then waiting for responses, creators can now simply open our map to find campgrounds and other businesses ready to collaborate. Likewise, businesses can have access to creators without having to search the depths of social media to find them!

The Pins

Each pin on our map provides crucial information about the business and their preferred collaboration methods. Key elements of each pin include:

nomad icinfluence pin example
  • Location: The business name and location are prominently displayed, ensuring easy discovery.

  • Categories & Tags: Pins are categorized by campaign type and tagged to highlight key features, such as the type of media requested and more. (tip: use the filters to narrow down the tags that fit your needs!)

  • Opportunity Type: This section details the type of opportunity available, indicating whether the stay will be discounted, comped, or paid.

  • Details of the Campaign: Comprehensive campaign details are provided, including the ideal creator profile, required deliverables, and accommodations.

  • Link: A direct link to the business's website is included, allowing creators and viewers to easily learn more about the business.

  • Discount: Businesses can offer exclusive discounts to Nomadic Influence creators, conveniently housed within the pin.

  • Application: Each pin includes an application method for creators. While Nomadic Influence offers a campaign application process, businesses can also use their own in-house influencer vetting systems. We encourage businesses to utilize Nomadic Influence creator profiles during their selection process. Click 'Next Step!' to apply in most situations!

How to Get on the Map

map pin

To add your campground or business to the map, visit our business page. We offer specific pricing plans for campgrounds and businesses. Those needing custom packages, you can submit the enterprise package form or email us at

How to Become a Creator

woman on her phone in a campground (AI illustration)

Becoming a creator is simple! Visit our creator page and register for our creator portal. Set up your profile so businesses know what you can offer them.

We are excited to see how our new map fosters connections and collaborations. Join us today and be a part of this innovative platform!

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