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Blog with Nomadic Influence!

Updated: Jun 9

Want to blog with us?

Want to write blogs for Nomadic Influence? Great! Let's get started by going over some questions you might have and then the process!

What kind of blogs can I write?

adventure supplies--notebook, camera, photos, glasses, magnifying glass, etc
  • Introduction: We warmly welcome you to introduce yourself! Share your personal journey, accompanied by captivating photos and links to your social profiles. Feel free to mention your business (with the exception of MLMs or MRRs). 

  • Educational: Do you have knowledge you'd like to share about RV life, content creation, or other travel-related elements? Write a blog post and don't forget to add in some affiliate links! 

  • Favorites: If you have a few favorite things you'd like to write about, go ahead! (Again, don't forget those affiliate links!) 

  • Your Choice: So long as it's appropriate for our channel, you're able to write about it! We want to give you a platform in which you can host your own monetized content. We will be looking over it before it goes live, though, so keep that in mind.  

  • PAID Opportunities from Nomadic Influence: We will be hosting opportunities for you to write for us highlighting campgrounds or businesses, as well as other opportunities. There will be no affiliate links allowed in most of these posts, but you will be compensated for your work.

Why would I do this? 

Group looking at the sunset

There are benefits to writing for Nomadic Influence! You have an established website with no fees and a curated audience of nomads and businesses that associate with nomads! It's a good place to get your ideas and affiliate links hosted. We can also use your introduction blog to showcase you to our connections in the industry!

Affiliate links are HUGE in the blogging world. Showcase the things you love and want to share to those on other platforms. We are more than happy to let you post them here!

As we form collaborations with campgrounds, we will have a budget to showcase those campgrounds, as well as some other featured blogs. These blogs will be PAID opportunities for you, and we will prioritize those that we already know are reliable writers!

I won't lie, though. This is also a way to create traction and market for Nomadic Influence, which can be mutually beneficial for us as founders and you as creators. That's why we are so adamant that you also integrate the ways you can monetize! We want it to be good for everyone involved.​

How do I get started?

Blogging with a coffee in hand
  • Apply: Just apply below! We only need a few bits of information to invite you to be a guest writer! Once you get the go-ahead, you'll be able to write for Nomadic Influence! 

  • Write: Write your blog! Check the available opportunities for ideas we are looking for, as well as some paid opportunities along the way!  In our member portal, find 'Creator Profile' and scroll to the bottom to begin a post. If you don't have the option, it means your approval as a guest writer is pending! 

  • Approval: Because you'll be a guest writer, we will need to approve your post. We will see it come through on the back end and post it as soon as possible! If you need approval to write or you're having any issues, email

*You need to be a member of Nomadic Influence. If you're receiving an error message, you need to create a login at

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